3305053152 Guigues III "vieux", comte D'ALBON
Adelaïde DE SAVOIE
(After 1052-1079)
1652526576 Guigues IV "Pinguis" D'ALBON
(1025/1030-Abt 1106)
Petronille DE ROYAN
(1039/1041-Bef 1106)

826263288 Guigues V D'ALBON , Comte d'Albon


Family Links

1. Mathilde DE SICILE

826263288 Guigues V D'ALBON , Comte d'Albon 1

  • Born: 1050-1070
  • Marriage (1): Mathilde DE SICILE in 1095
  • Died: 21 Dec 1125 aged 75

  General Notes:


Guigues III [V?] d'Albon, dit Comes, né entre 1050 et 1060, mort en 1133, fut comte d'Albon de 1079 à 1133.Il était le fils de Guigues II d'Albon et Pétronille de Royans.
Il est le premier Guigues à se faire appeler comte d'Albon, dès son avènement en 1079.

1. GUIGUES [V] ([1050/70]-21 Dec 1125). A charter dated to [1100] relates details of a dispute between the bishop and counts of Albon which names "Guigo Vetus, pater Guigonis Crassus…Guigoni comiti, filio Guigonis Crassis"[223]. In 1091, he was co-heir to Adelaida Marchesa di Susa. "Guigo comes, filius Guigonis Crassi" donated property to the cathedral of Grenoble by charter dated 1099[224]. Comte d'Albon. "Dominus Vuigo comes et uxor eius Regina quæ fuit de Anglia" confirmed a donation to Domène by charter dated 1106 which states that "matris suæ" was buried in the monastery[225]. "Guigo comes Albionensis" is recorded as present in a charter dated 2 Aug 1107 which relates to a dispute between "fratres Guidonem Viennensium et Hugonem Gratianopolitanum episcopos" relating to property "in pago Salmoracensi"[226]. An undated charter notes concessions made by "domini Guigonis comitis" to Domène, witnessed by "uxor domini comitis domina Regina et soror eiusdem comitis domina Adelaida…"[227]. "Dominus Vuigo comes" donated property "cabannaria…in mandamento castri Vorappiæ" to Domène, in the presence of "dominæ Reginæ uxoris domini Vuigonis comitis", by charter dated 1107[228]. Comte Guigues and his wife "Regina nominate Maheldis" donated property to Chalais abbey, with the approval of "leurs fils Guigues Delfinus et Humbert", by charter dated 31 Oct 1110[229]. Comte Guigues and his wife "Matelda" donated property to the Hospital of Jerusalem at Gap by charter dated 30 Apr 1112[230]. A charter dated to [1122] records a donation by "Guigo comes et Matildis uxor eius" of property "in parochia Sancti Saturnini juxta aquam Velciam" to the abbey of Bonnevaux, later confirmed by "Guigo delphinus et uxor eius et Humbertus Podiensis episcopus frater eius", the confirmation witnessed by "Matildis mater eius"[231]. "Guigo comes filius Petronille" donated property to Oulx, for the soul of "uxorisque mee Matildis", by charter dated to [1101/32], witnessed by "Matiltis regina uxor eius et filius eius Humbertus Aniciensi ecclesie electus…"[232]. The necrology of the priory of Saint-Robert records the death 21 Dec 1125 of "Guigues le Comte, qui construisit le monastère de Saint-Robert de Cornillon"[233]. m REGINA [Matilda], daughter of --- [from England] (-[1146/47]). "Dominus Vuigo comes et uxor eius Regina quæ fuit de Anglia" confirmed a donation to Domène by charter dated 1106 which states that "matris suæ" was buried in the monastery[234]. An undated charter notes concessions made by "domini Guigonis comitis" to Domène, witnessed by "uxor domini comitis domina Regina et soror eiusdem comitis domina Adelaida…"[235]. "Dominus Vuigo comes" donated property "cabannaria…in mandamento castri Vorappiæ" to Domène, in the presence of "dominæ Reginæ uxoris domini Vuigonis comitis", by charter dated 1107[236]. "Vuigo comes et uxor eius Mahiol" granted commitments to the monks of Chalais by charter dated to [1108/10][237]. Comte Guigues and his wife "Regina nominate Maheldis" donated property to Chalais abbey, with the approval of "leurs fils Guigues Delfinus et Humbert", by charter dated 31 Oct 1110[238]. Comte Guigues and his wife "Matelda" donated property to the Hospital of Jerusalem at Gap by charter dated 30 Apr 1112[239]. "Guigo comes et Matildis uxor eius" donated property "in parochial Sancti Saturnini juxta aquam Velciam" naming "Humbertus Podiensis episcopus frater eius" dated [1122][240]. "Guigo comes filius Petronille" donated property to Oulx, for the soul of "uxorisque mee Matildis", by charter dated to [1101/32], witnessed by "Matiltis regina uxor eius et filius eius Humbertus Aniciensi ecclesie electus…"[241]. A charter dated to [1122] records a donation by "Guigo comes et Matildis uxor eius" of property "in parochia Sancti Saturnini juxta aquam Velciam" to the abbey of Bonnevaux, later confirmed by "Guigo delphinus et uxor eius et Humbertus Podiensis episcopus frater eius", the confirmation witnessed by "Matildis mater eius"[242]. "La reine Mathilde" donated property to the abbey of Chalais in 1146, confirmed by charter dated 1147 by "Humbert alors évêque du Puy, depuis archévêque de Vienne…le comte Guigues, fils de Guigues dauphin et sa mere"[243]. Guigues [V] & his wife had [four] children

Source: fmg.ac

  Birth Notes:

Source: fmg.ac

  Death Notes:

Source: fmg.ac

Guigues married Mathilde DE SICILE, daughter of Roger Ier DE HAUTEVILLE , Comte de Sicile et de Pouille and Adelaïde DE SAVONE DE MONTFERRAT, in 1095.

  Marriage Notes:

[A vérifier]


1 François Ferran Resarch 2020.

J. Ferran 07/04/2020

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