Neil (Torquil) McNEILL of Taynish and Gigha
Duncan CAMPBELL Capt. of Castle Sween
(Cir 1540-1594)
Neil McNEILL of Taynish
(1540-After 1598)
Elizabeth CAMPBELL
Neil Buidhe McNEILL of Durlocher


Family Links

1. Unknown

Neil Buidhe McNEILL of Durlocher

  • Marriage (1): Unknown

  General Notes:
Neill Buidhe McNeill who witnessed a bond of Manrent between Sir James McDonald and McNeill of Carskiey and several other leading McNeills, signed at Killeonan on 18th July 1594

Neil Buidhe was a substantial farmer and in 1619 he held the lands of Clochkiel, Darlochan, Aros and Lochorodale at a rent of £368 and Drumore at £80 [2]. In 1611 he held Clochkiel, Letregan and Machrihanish [3]. These farms were part of a holding of 16 marklands in the Laggan of Kintyre which pertained of old to the McNeills of Gigha [4] and their occupation by his father provides some evidence for the justification of Lachlan's claim when he matriculated arms in 1672 that he was of the family of Gigha.

Neil married.

J. Ferran 07/04/2020

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