Rev. Alexander ROBERTSON of Fortingall


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1. Christian (Christy) McGREGOR

Rev. Alexander ROBERTSON of Fortingall

  • Marriage (1): Christian (Christy) McGREGOR on 19 Dec 1785 in Fortingall, Perth, Scotland 1

  General Notes:

of Edinburgh, Scotland (The Peerage)
The parish of Fortingall was in area less like a parish than a small county. The Reformation supplied it with one parish minister and one parish school-master, who lived close to each other at Fortingall village. It was a long time before Glenlyon and Rannoch were each provided with side-schools, the latter with one at the upper end and another at the lower end of Loch Rannoch. It was in the latter that Dugald Buchanan taught during the early part of Mr Macara's long ministry. The earliest of the Glenlyon schools was set up at Innerwick, and the second at Roro. Mr Ferguson, minister of Fortingall parish from 1719 to 1752, was an uncompromising upholder of the Revolution Settlement and Presbyterian doctrines and discipline. He made himself a sort of terror to the Jacobite lairds of the parish, and was accordingly much detested by them. He succeeded, in 1719, Mr Alexander Robertson, who had been deposed for having read treasonable papers from the pulpit at the time of the 1715 rising. Mr Ferguson during the '45 rising acted with the full courage of his convictions, and when Prince Charlie was at Castle Menzies, within a few miles of his church and manse, increased rather than diminished the emphasis of his denunciations. In 1752 he died from a cold which he caught through having fallen into the river from an upset boat. For over thirty years his ministry was a long fight with ignorance, immorality, disorderliness, and adverse heritors, who, I believe, with the sole exception of Sir Robert Menzies, were Jacobites, and, as long as he lived, adherents to the deposed minister, Mr Robertson, who became an Episcopalian. It was said that at first Mr Ferguson tried conciliation, but if he did he found it of no use, and he soon went on the war-path, which he never afterwards left.

Alexander married Christian (Christy) McGREGOR on 19 Dec 1785 in Fortingall, Perth, Scotland.1


1 The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, <i>"FamilySearch," database, <i>FamilySearch</i> </i> (, "Scotland Marriages, 1561-1910," database, FamilySearch ( : 8 December 2014), Alexander Robertson and Christian Mc Gregor, 19 Dec 1785; citing Fortingall,Perth,Scotland, reference ; FHL microfilm 1,040,116.

J. Ferran 07/04/2020

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