![]() Burkhard II VON ZOLLERN (Abt 1098-Abt 1153) |
General Notes: BURCHARD von Zollern, son of FRIEDRICH [I] Graf von Zollern & his wife [Udalhild von Zollern] (-after [1152]). A 13th century genealogy names (in order) "Burchardum, Egenonem, Fridericum et Gottfridum" as the four sons of "Burchardus comes de Zolre"[532]. "…Burcardo, Eginone, Gotfrido, Friderico comitibus de Zolr…" signed the charter dated [1134/37] which records the foundation of Kloster Salem[533]. The History of Salem Monastery lists those present at a court of "duce Friderico", including "Burcardo, Eginone, Gotfrido, Friderico comitibus de Zolr", undated but dateable to [1152][534]. Burkhard married Helmburgis VON SCHALA-BURGHAUSEN, daughter of Sieghard XI VON SCHALA-BURGHAUSEN and Sophie VON BABENBERG, before 1144. (Helmburgis VON SCHALA-BURGHAUSEN was born in 1126 and died in 1168.) |
1 François Ferran Resarch 2020.
J. Ferran 27/08/2024
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