3072 Xxx PERSON
(Bef 1590-)
Heinrich (Henri) PERSOHN
(Abt 1600-1684)
(Abt 1614-1683)
Anna Catharina PERSOHN


Family Links


Anna Catharina PERSOHN 2

  • Born: 28 May 1648, Mulhouse, Haut-Rhin, France 3
  • Christened: 28 May 1648, Mulhouse, Haut Rhin, France
  • Marriage (1): Jean KRAEMER before 1672
  • Marriage (2): Thomas SCHMALZER on 25 Mar 1672 in Mulhouse, Haut-Rhin, France 1
  • Died: 15 Aug 1696, Mulhouse, Haut-Rhin, France aged 48 3

  General Notes:

Geneanet Gilles Romieu (gillesromieu1948)

Anna married Jean KRAEMER before 1672. (Jean KRAEMER died before 1672 3.)

Anna next married Thomas SCHMALZER, son of Nicolas SCHMALZER and Elisabeth ARLENSPACH, on 25 Mar 1672 in Mulhouse, Haut-Rhin, France.1 (Thomas SCHMALZER was born on 1 Jul 1649 in Mulhouse, Haut-Rhin, France 3, christened on 1 Jul 1649 in Mulhouse, Haut Rhin, France and died on 12 Aug 1723 in Mulhouse, Haut-Rhin, France 3.)


1 Jean Marie Mansbendel, Généalogie MANSBENDEL (http://mansbendel.free.fr/).

2 Jean Marie Mansbendel, Généalogie MANSBENDEL (http://mansbendel.free.fr/). .... Ferran, Henri, François & Jean. Supplied by compiler., "Personal Research.". .... Ferran, Henri. Supplied by compiler., "Personal Research.", Généalogie de Berthe Persohn (1879 - 1961) par H. Ferran - 1984 -.

3 Ferran, Henri. Supplied by compiler., "Personal Research.", Généalogie de Berthe Persohn (1879 - 1961) par H. Ferran - 1984 -.

J. Ferran 27/08/2024

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