(Cir 1785-)
William CAGGER
(Cir 1817-1864)
Anna Eustace TRACY
William CAGGER


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William CAGGER

  • Born: 7 Aug 1849, Brooklyn, New york, USA
  • Died: 17 Jan 1901, Richmond, VA, USA aged 51
  • Buried: 19 Jan 1901, Brooklyn, New york, USA

  General Notes:


Richmond Dispatch, Volume 1901, Number 15523, 20 January 1901

Of Mr. William Cagger, the wealthy Brooklynite who died recently in Richmond, the New York Herald-says: "He was born of poor parents In. a. modest home, in Prince street, Brooklyn, fifty-three years ago. He was educated in the public schools, and his first employment was as a clerk in a glass factory. He inherited $50,000 from an uncle and $500,000 more from two unmarried aunts. "With this money he began the manufacture of druggists' glassware. He retired from business six years ago. He built the Colonial apartment house, at Broadway and Ninety-sixth street, Manhattan, and he invested heavily in real estate. He had large holdings when he died. "He was a nephew of Peter Cagger, who was a powerful Democratic /leader in the days of Martin Van Buren, as well as a prominent lawyer. He was a stanch Catholic, and gave much money to various churches- in Brooklyn. He was a member of the old Brooklyn Yacht Club, an enthusiastic yachtsman, and a good whip. He owned several fast horses, in driving which he found almost his only diversion. He was reserved and had few visitors. His only heir, according to the Herald, is an aunt who lives in Paris, his wish to make a will to contrary effect, and in favor of a niece who lives in Albany, N. V., having been foiled by the rapid failure of his powers

J. Ferran 18/07/2019

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