Noreen CUNDY 812
- Born: 5 Dec 1927, Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumbria, England
- Christened: 21 Dec 1927, Heaton, Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumbria, England
- Marriage (1): Sidney Sigurd Stewart ARMSTRONG on 1 Jan 1952 in Eastchurch, Kent, England
- Marriage (2): Lieutenant-Commander David Masterman ELLIS R.N. on 6 Jun 1959 in Beirut, Lebanon
- Died: 20 Mar 1994, Gretton, Gloucestershire, England aged 66
Another name for Noreen was Rena CUNDY.
General Notes:
!GRO Births Indexes (London):: Cundy, Noreen (Irving) March 1928 Newcastle T. 10b 227.
!Birth Certificate : Registration District : Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Northumbria, Registration No. : 301 of 1928, Date of Birth : 5th December 1927, Place of Birth : 9 Addycombe Terrace, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Name and sex : Noreen Cundy, girl, Father : William Cundy, Mother : Norah Cundy formerly Irving, Father's Occupation : Motor Mechanic, Informant : N. Cundy, mother, 9 Addycombe Terrace, Newcastle, Date Registered : 16th January 1928, Registrar : R.A. Osborne, Registrar.
!Baptism Certificate: Name : Noreen Cundy, Date of Baptism : 21st December 1927, Place of Baptism : St Gabriel's Church, Heaton, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Minister : Walter E. Hicks, Curate St Gabriel's, Heaton.
!GRO Marriage Indexes (London): Armstrong, Sidney S.S. March 1952 Sheppey 5b 1623, Cundy, Noreen March 1952 Sheppey 5b 1623.
!Marriage Cerificate : Registration District : Eastchurch, Kent, No. 293 of 1952, Date of Marriage : 1st January 1952, Place of Marriage : Eastchurch Parish Church, Groom : Sidney Sigurd Stewart Armstrong, Age 23, Bachelor, Groom's Occupation : Lieutenant R.N. Groom's Residence : H.M.S. Welcome, Groom's Father : Sidney John Armstrong, Commander R.N. Retired, Bride : Noreen Cundy, Age 24, Spinster, Bride's Residence : 2 Victoria Ave, Eastchurch, Bride's Father : William Arthur Oswald Cundy, Engineer, Signed : Sidney Sigurd Stewart Armstrong, Noreen Cundy, Witnesses : O.W. Cundy, A. Cundy, N. Cundy, Minister : Henry Clement Williams, Rector of Eastchurch.
!Divorce Cerificate: Certificate of making Decree Nisi Absolute (Divorce). 1957, (D) No. 1288. In the High Court of Justice, Probate, Divorce and Admiralty Division (Divorce), Manchester District Registry, Between Sidney Sigurd Stewart Armstrong, Petitioner, and Noreen Armstrong, Respondent, and David Masterman Ellis, Co-Respondent. Referring to the decree made in this cause on the 2nd day of February 1959, whereby it was decreed that the Marriage had and solemnized on the 1st day of January 1952, at Eastchurch Parish Church, in the County of Kent, between Sidney Sigurd Stewart Armstrong, the Petitioner and Noreen Armstrong then Cundy, Spinster, the Respondent, be dissolved by reason that since the Celebration thereof the said Respondent had been guilty of adultery with David Masterman Ellis, the Co-Respondent, Unless sufficient cause be shown to the Court within three months from the making thereof why the said Decree should not be made absolute and no such cause having been shown, it is hereby certified that the said Decree was on this 6th day of May 1959, made final and absolute and that the said Marriage was thereby dissolved. (List no. 38).
!GRO Consular Marriage Index (London) 1955-60: Cundy, Noreen (Ellis) Beirut V:53 P:174, Ellis, David M. (Cundy) Beirut V:53 P:174.
!Marriage Certificate : Registration Place : Beirut, Lebanon, Registration No. : 8 of 1959, Date of Marriage : 6th June 1959, Groom : David Masterman Ellis, Age : 36, Marital Status : Previous marriage dissolved, Profession : Royal Navy, Residence : Shemlan, Lebanon, Father : Richard Stanley Ellis, Profession : Retired Army Officer, Bride : Noreen Ellis, (name changed by Deed Poll), Age : 31, Marital Status : Previous marriage dissolved, Profession : none, Residence : Shemlan, Lebanon, Father : William Oswald Arthur Cundy, Profession : Retired Engineer, Place of Marriage : British Embassy, Beirut, Ceremony : provisions of the Foreign Marriage Act 1892, Celebrant : D.W. Pierotti, H.M. Consul, Signed : D.M. Ellis, N. Ellis, Witnesses : C.K.T. Wheen*, C.H. Pope. (*Charles Wheen, British Naval Attaché, later Rear Admiral Sir Charles Wheen).
!GRO Deaths Indexes (London): Ellis, Noreen 05 De 1927 1994 Cheltenham 4791B B44D 243 0594.
Noted events in her life were:
1. Cremation, 25 Mar 1994, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England.
Noreen married Sidney Sigurd Stewart ARMSTRONG on 1 Jan 1952 in Eastchurch, Kent, England. The marriage ended in divorce. (Sidney Sigurd Stewart ARMSTRONG was born on 3 Apr 1928 in Gillingham, Kent, England, christened on 10 Jun 1928 in Chatham, Kent, England and died on 30 Mar 2011 in Tootgarook, Victoria, Australia.)
Noted events in their marriage were:
1. Divorce: Divorce, 6 May 1959, Manchester, Lancashire, England.
Noreen next married Lieutenant-Commander David Masterman ELLIS R.N., son of Brigadier Richard Stanley ELLIS C.B.E., M.C., R.A. and Margaret Sneyd COLVIN, on 6 Jun 1959 in Beirut, Lebanon. (Lieutenant-Commander David Masterman ELLIS R.N. was born on 8 Jun 1923 in Stapleford Tawny, Essex, England and died on 14 Aug 2009 in Postling, Kent, England.)