Hans Ludwig MEYER
Niclaus MEYER
Barbara ZÜM LÜFT
Adalbert MEYER


Family Links

1. Catharina HÜTSCHY
2. Margareth FRUTMANN
3. Catharina BISCHOFF

Adalbert MEYER 1

  • Born: 1474, Basel, Switzerland 2
  • Marriage (1): Catharina HÜTSCHY in 1503
  • Marriage (2): Margareth FRUTMANN in 1509
  • Marriage (3): Catharina BISCHOFF in 1533 in Basel, Switzerland
  • Died: 1548, Basel, Switzerland aged 74 2

  General Notes:

Bourgmestre de Bâle
Tribu du Safran 2

Adalbert married Catharina HÜTSCHY in 1503. (Catharina HÜTSCHY died before 1509 2.)

Adalbert next married Margareth FRUTMANN in 1509. (Margareth FRUTMANN died before 1533 2.)

Adalbert next married Catharina BISCHOFF in 1533 in Basel, Switzerland. (Catharina BISCHOFF died in 1541 in Basel, Switzerland 2.)

  Marriage Notes:

4 enfants


1 Ferran, Henri, François & Jean. Supplied by compiler, <i>"Personal Research."</i>. .... Ferran, Henri. Supplied by compiler, <i>"Personal Research."</i>, Généalogie de Berthe Persohn (1879 - 1961) par H. Ferran - 1984 -.

2 Ferran, Henri. Supplied by compiler, <i>"Personal Research."</i>, Généalogie de Berthe Persohn (1879 - 1961) par H. Ferran - 1984 -.

J. Ferran 18/07/2019

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