(-Abt 1125)


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Friedrich I VON ZOLLERN 1

  • Marriage (1): Udihild VON URACH-BETTINGEN
  • Died: Abt 1125

  General Notes:
Frédéric Ier, comte de Zollern est le plus ancien membre certain de la Maison de Hohenzollern. Cette lignée se scinde en deux branches, à la mort de son petit-fils Frédéric III :

la branche aînée, dite de Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen (dont sont issus les rois de Roumanie, lignée représentée aujourd'hui par la princesse Margareta de Roumanie).
la branche cadette a fourni des burgraves de Nuremberg, des électeurs de Brandebourg, des duc de Prusse, des margraves d'Ansbach et de Bayreuth, des roi de Prusse et des empereurs d'Allemagne. Le représentant actuel est le prince Georges Frédéric de Prusse.

FRIEDRICH [I] von Zollern, son of --- (-19 Mar ----, after 1139). He was named in a charter of Emperor Heinrich V for Speyer dated 14 Aug 1111, and again 8 Nov 1133[1274]. Graf von Zollern. "…Comes Fridericus de Zolro…" witnessed the charter dated 14 Oct 1139 under which Konrad III King of Germany granted protection to the church of Denkendorf[1275]. The necrology of Zwiefalten records the death "XIV Kal Apr" of "Fridericus com de Zolre"[1276].

m UDALHILD, daughter of EGINO Graf & his wife Kunigunde Gräfin von Urach (-11 Apr or 4 Nov ----, after [1130/34]). Ortlieb's Chronicon of Zwiefalten names "Oudelhilt comitisse coniux Friderici comitis de Zolre" as sister of "ipsius abbatissæ [=Alberat comitis Eginonis filia] germana"[1277]. Berthold's Chronicon of Zwiefalten names "Counigunda comitissa Uraha" as mother of "Oudihilde comitissa de Zolron" when recording that the latter built the monastery of St Nicholas[1278]. She is named[1279] as the mother of Egino [1134] (see below) but is not certain that the latter was the son of Graf Friedrich [I]. The necrology of Zwiefalten records the death "III Id Apr" of "Huodilhilt com de Zolre" and "II Non Nov" of "Uodelhilt com de Zolre"[1280].

Graf Friedrich [I] & his wife had [seven] children:

1. BURCHARD [II] (-after [1152]). A 13th century genealogy names (in order) "Burchardum, Egenonem, Fridericum et Gottfridum" as the four sons of "Burchardus comes de Zolre"[1281]. Graf von Zollern.



Friedrich married Udihild VON URACH-BETTINGEN, daughter of Graf Egon II VON URACH-BETTINGEN and Unknown. (Udihild VON URACH-BETTINGEN died in 1134.)


1 François Ferran Resarch 2020.

J. Ferran 15/01/2021

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