211565808 Artaud II DE ROUSSILLON
(Abt 1150-)
211565810 Ponce DE GLENNE
(Abt 1155-1217)
211565811 Béatrix DE LA ROCHE MILLAY
(Abt 1165-1217)
105782904 Artaud III DE ROUSSILLON
(Bef 1180-After 1227)
105782905 Alix DE GLENNE
(Bef 1185-After 1228)

52891452 Artaud IV DE ROUSSILLON
(Abt 1200/1205-After 1270)


Family Links

1. 52891453 M... DE GENÈVE

52891452 Artaud IV DE ROUSSILLON 1

  • Born: Abt 1200-1205
  • Marriage (1): 52891453 M... DE GENÈVE before 1238
  • Died: After 1270

  General Notes:

ARTAUD [IV] de Roussillon, son of ARTAUD [III] Seigneur de Roussillon & his wife Alix de Glâne ([1200/05]-after 1270). A charter dated 1219 records an agreement between the bishop of Lyon and "Arthaudum de Roussillon" concerning "vicarium de Dalgoiricum", with the consent of "Artaudi filii sui…qui in tutela nostra [=Raynaudus…Lugdunensis ecclesiæ minister] erat"[1517]. The circumstances in which Artaud was under the guardianship of the bishop of Lyon, even though his father was still alive, are unclear. "Erat" in the document indicates that the guardianship had ended, maybe just before the signing of the document, and that Artaud junior was then of age. A charter dated 1220 records an agreement between the bishop of Lyon and "Arthaudum de Rossillione" concerning "terra de Riviria pro dote uxoris suæ" and damage caused by "Pontius de Glana pater uxoris suæ", with the consent of "Arthaudo filio eiusdem Arthaudi"[1518]. Seigneur de Roussillon et de Riverie. "Artaud de Roussillon et Girard de Roussillon" (presumably brothers) reached agreement under which Géraud received "le droit...sur les chàteaux de Montbreton et de Perau et sur les villages de Champagne et de Saint-Rambert" in return for renouncing his rights "sur le château de Roussillon" by charter dated 30 Jan 1235 (O.S.)[1519]. A charter dated Feb 1235 (O.S.) records an agreement between "Aymard seigneur d'Annonay, et Aymard seigneur de Bressieu" and "Artaud seigneur de Roussillon, et Pons Charpinelle" concerning "[le] château de Dargoire"[1520]. "Artaudus de Rossellon" donated "sextam partem portus Lugdunensis", held by "ego et Artaudus pater meus", to "Willelmo de Palude canonico Sancti Stephani Lugdunensis et prepositio S. Thome de Foroveteri" by charter dated Jun 1236[1521]. A charter dated May 1251 records the donation to the priory of Saint-Sauveur-en-Rue of "molendinum de Givret juxta las Moleyres" and the appointment of "dominum Artaudum et Vuilielmum filium suum de Rossilion et Guigoni Pagani dominum d'Argentau" as guarantors, witnessed by "domina M. comitissa uxor prædicti domini Artaudi de Rossilion"[1522]. "Artaudus dominus de Rossillon et de Riviereia" confirmed that "Guigo frater meus archidiaconus Lugdunensis" held property "in portu pontis Rodani Lugdunensis", and committed to swearing homage for this land to the church of Lyon, by charter dated 25 Oct 1252[1523]. "…Artaudus de Rossellon…" witnessed the testament of "Willelmus comes Gebenn." (who, under the hypothesis suggested below, would have been Artaud's father-in-law) dated 9 Nov 1252[1524]. "Artaud sire de Roussillon…Aymar, Amédée, Alyse et Beatrix ses enfants" donated their rights "sur la succession de feu Guy comte de Forez" to "Guillaume fils dudit Artaud" by charter dated Nov 1262[1525]. It is assumed that this document refers to Guy [V] Comte de Forez, who died childless in 1259 leaving his brother Renaud as his heir, not his father Guy [IV] (who died in 1241) or his paternal grandfather Guy [III] (who died in [1202]). However, as Renaud Comte de Forez had male children at that date it is unclear why the involvement of the Roussillon family in the Forez inheritance was considered relevant at that time. It should be noted that Guillaume de Roussillon, son of Artaud [IV], is named in the Jun 1270 of Renaud Comte de Forez as one of the possible beneficiaries and heirs (see below). A charter dated 1267 records a peace agreement between "dom. Guigonem dalphinum Viennensem" and "dom. Arthaudum de Rossilione et Guillelmum filium eius" concerning "castro Ruppis de Cluey", as part of the terms for ending the war waged by "Ay[mari] de Pictavia"[1526]. A charter dated 1267 records that "Artaudus dominus Rossilionis" granted "in domo de Landrus et in villa et parrochia de Espinosa" to "dom. Guigoni dalphino", presumably as part of the same peace settlement although this is not mentioned in the extract[1527]. Vachez records that Artaud de Roussillon acted as guarantor for "Thomas et Amédée de Savoie" debtors of the king of France in 1270[1528]. A charter dated 7 Aug 1274 records the confirmation of the donation of "molendinum de Givret juxta las Moleyras" and names "Artaudi domini de Rossilione, Gulielmi de Rossilione, et…dominæ M. comitissæ uxoris prædicti domini Artaudi de Rossilione et Guigonis Pagani"[1529]. It is unclear from this document whether Artaud was still alive at that date: he probably was not.

m ([before 1238]) [as her second husband,] M---, [widow of --- Comte,] daughter of --- ([before 1223]-after May 1251, maybe [Nov 1262/Jun 1270]). The wife of Artaud [IV] Seigneur de Roussillon is referred to in the charter dated May 1251 which records the donation to the priory of Saint-Sauveur-en-Rue of "molendinum de Givret juxta las Moleyres" and the appointment of "dominum Artaudum et Vuilielmum filium suum de Rossilion et Guigoni Pagani dominum d'Argentau" as guarantors, witnessed by "domina M. comitissa uxor prædicti domini Artaudi de Rossilion"[1530]. A charter dated 7 Aug 1274 records the confirmation of the donation of "molendinum de Givret juxta las Moleyras" and names "Artaudi domini de Rossilione, Gulielmi de Rossilione, et…dominæ M. comitissæ uxoris prædicti domini Artaudi de Rossilione et Guigonis Pagani"[1531]. Vachez states that Artaud [IV]'s wife was "Marie"[1532], although he cites no primary source which indicates that "M" in the source quoted above represents an abbreviation for "Maria". The possible family origin of "M---" provides an intriguing puzzle. Different primary source documents indicate family relationships between the Roussillon family and both the Forez and Genève families. It looks likely that these relationships were through "M---". Dealing firstly with the Roussillon/Forez relationship. This is indicated by the testament of "Raynaudus comes Forensis et dominus Bellijoci", dated Jun 1270, which names "Guidonem consanguinem meum dominum de Tyerno" as his heir in substitution and states that, if he inherits, he should provide for "domino Guidoni de Tyerno consanguineo meo canonicus Lugdunensis…Hugoni de Tyerno consanguineo meo fratri eiusdem canonici Guidonis…consanguineo meo domino Ano domino d'Oliergue…Guillelmo de Rossilione consanguineo meo" (the last-named being identified as the son of Artaud [IV] Seigneur de Roussillon)[1533]. The relationship with the comtes de Forez is also confirmed by the charter dated Nov 1262, under which "Artaud sire de Roussillon…Aymar, Amédée, Alyse et Beatrix ses enfants" donated their rights "sur la succession de feu Guy comte de Forez" to "Guillaume fils dudit Artaud"[1534]. It is reasonable to suppose that the Roussillon/Forez relationship was through an otherwise unrecorded daughter of Guy [III] Comte de Forez, based on the following logic. Firstly, it is not known with certainty whether the Roussillon/Forez connection was through the father or mother of Guillaume de Roussillon. However, the charter dated Nov 1262 suggests that the relationship was through his mother: if Artaud [IV] himself had been the relative of the Forez family, it seems that this charter would have been unnecessary as Artaud could automatically have transferred his rights to Forez to his oldest son by testament. Artaud's presence in the document does not necessarily indicate that he held the rights in his own name: they could have been held through his wife. If that is correct, presumably "M---" was still alive in Nov 1262. If she had been dead, her rights would already have vested in her children so her husband's presence in the document would have been unnecessary (unless he was acting in the name of any children who were still minors). Secondly, the order of beneficiaries in the Jun 1270 testament of Renaud Comte de Forez is presumably significant in determining the nature of the connection with the Roussillon family. The document provides for bequests, in order, to "consanguineo meo domino Ano domino d'Oliergue…Guillelmo de Rossilione consanguineo meo". The former is identified as Agnon [VI] Seigneur d'Olliergues, the senior male representative of the descendants of the oldest daughter of Guy [III] Comte de Forez who married Guillaume de Baffie (see AUVERGNE for the Baffie and Olliergues families). It is likely therefore that "Guillelmo de Rossilione consanguineo meo" was in some way junior to Agnon [VI] in his rights to the Forez inheritance. The marriage of Artaud [IV] Seigneur de Roussillon is dated to [before 1238], which suggests that his wife is unlikely to have been born much later than [1220]. If that date is correct, and assuming at present that the family relationship was through Artaud's wife, the chronology of the Olliergues family suggests that it is improbable that "M---" was an otherwise unrecorded younger sister of Agnon [VI]'s mother. There appear to be two other possibilities: either Artaud's wife was the daughter of an otherwise unrecorded younger daughter of Guy [III] Comte de Forez, or she was the granddaughter of a younger sibling of Comte Guy [III]. The former is the most likely possibility: all the other beneficiaries under the Jun 1270 testament of Renaud Comte de Forez were descendants of his grandfather, and it seems unlikely that Comte Renaud would have considered it necessary to provide in his testament for another family representative who was descended from his great-grandfather. In conclusion, until further information comes to light, if the relationship between the Roussillon and Forez families was through Artaud [IV] de Roussillon's wife, it is likely that she was the daughter of an otherwise unrecorded younger daughter of Guy [III] Comte de Forez. Turning to the Roussillon/Genève family connection, this is suggested by an undated charter under which "Amédée de Genève Evesque de Die" (identified as the son of Comte Guillaume [II]) is called "oncle d'Amédée de Roussillon" (who was a younger son of Artaud [IV] Seigneur de Roussillon)[1535]. The testament of "Thomas de Sabaudia primogenitus…domini Thomæ de Sabaudia comitis", dated 14 May 1282, which names "consanguineum meum R. patrem dominum Aymarum archiepiscopum Lugdunensem" (the latter identified as another younger son of Artaud [IV] Seigneur de Roussillon) also indicates a connection as the relationship with the Savoie family was presumably through the comtes de Genéve[1536]. Vachez approaches a conclusion when he states that Artaud [IV]'s wife was "Marie de Genève, fille de Guillaume Comte de Genève et de Marie ou Alix de la Tour"[1537]. However, his explanation is contradictory and confusing. He asserts firstly that the marriage of Artaud [IV] with "Marie" was childless (nullifying completely his explanation for the relationship which is stated in the undated charter) and secondly that Artaud's children were born from a supposed second marriage with "Artaude de Forez, fille de Guy IV comte de Forez", presumably in an attempt to explain the presence of Guillaume de Roussillon in the Jun 1270 testament of Renaud Comte de Forez. The major problem with identifying Guillaume [II] Comte de Genève as the father of "M---" is the number of children attributed to Comte Guillaume and his known wife which makes it difficult to explain why "M---" and her descendants should have been singled out in relation to the Forez inheritance. However, this difficulty would be resolved if the daughter of Guy [III] Comte de Forez was the first wife of Comte Guillaume, and the mother of a single daughter, her husband marrying again after she died. If all these speculations are correct, Artaud's wife would be M---, daughter of Guillaume [II] Comte de Genève] & his [first] wife --- de Forez. It should be emphasised that this conclusion is speculative and that other alternatives are possible, particularly if the Roussillon/Forez family connection was through Artaud [IV] himself. One last point concerns the title "comitissa" accorded to Artaud's wife in the 1251 and 1274 sources which are quoted above. There are two possible explanations. Firstly, the word could suggest that "M---" was the widow of an unidentified "comes" when she married Artaud, and retained the title as a matter of courtesy after her [second] marriage. It is unlikely that she would have held the title in her own right as heiress to a "comes", as there is no record of the title being transmitted to her son. Secondly, if she was related to the Genève family, "comitissa" could have been a corruption of "Contesson/Comtessone", a family nickname which was used by "Beatrix dite Comtessone" another possible daughter of Guillaume [II] Comte de Genève.

Artaud [IV] & his wife had five children


Il fut cité en 1237/1263. La ville du Péage de Roussillon tire son nom de la taxe et des redevances que percevait le Seigneur de ROUSSILLON et qu'il levait sur les personnes, les animaux et les marchandises passant sur le territoire de la seigneurie. Ce péage avait été, entres autres, concédé à Guigues de ROUSSILLON par l'Empereur Frédéric [Barberousse] en 1178. Le 2 juillet 1209 Artaud de ROUSSILLON s'engagea envers le Légat du Saint-Siège à observer tout ce que le Pape avait prescrit des péages et des sauf-conduits accordés aux marchands étrangers (guidage). Mais au cours de l'année 1233 Artaud et Girard de ROUSSILLON furent excommuniés par l'Archevêque de Vienne pour des exactions commises, en leur nom, dans la perception du Péage de Roussillon et leurs biens furent saisis. Pour être relevés de cette sentence, ils se soumirent, prirent l'engagement de ne plus exercer aucune perception illégale sur le Péage et jurèrent de ne plus se rendre coupable de tels méfaits. En 1236 Artaud et Girard de ROUSSILLON se partagèrent les biens qu'ils possédaient en indivision, mais chacun garda ses droits sur le péage et le guidage.(Dhuicque) Sources : personne: E. Perroy "Les familles nobles du Forez, essai de filiation" t II p 725, roglo, dhuicque et deret, famille 1: E. Perroy "Les familles nobles du Forez, essai de filiation" t II p 720, famille 2: roglo et deret

Source: Geneanet dominique124

Artaud married 52891453 M... DE GENÈVE, daughter of 105782906 Guillaume II DE GENÈVE and 105782907 Xxx DE FOREZ, before 1238. (52891453 M... DE GENÈVE was born before 1215 and died after 1274.)

  Marriage Notes:

Source: fmg.ac


1 François Ferran Resarch 2020.

J. Ferran 15/01/2021

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