Rev. John BOWLE


Family Links

1. Anna Maria BOWLE

Rev. John BOWLE

  • Marriage (1): Anna Maria BOWLE

  General Notes:


The Collection was purchased with money mainly donated by the Cape Tercentenary Foundation, from Lt Col G A Cole. East London district.

EPISTOLARIUM BOWLEANUM Volume containing original letters written to Rev John Bowle. 1764-1781. Bound in dog-skin. Detailed list in folder. GREEN BOOK Copybook containing copies of letters written by Rev John Bowle. 1772-1788. Detailed list in folder. TRAVELLING BOOK Includes A True state of the controversy concerning Milton (111p.) INDICE MANUSCRITO - INDICE GENERAL DEL TEXTO ...DON QUIXOTE DE LA MANCHA...DEL REVERENDO DON JUAN BOWLE. 2v. 1767-1772. 1773. Contains index to words occurring in Don Quixote, in double columns. with volume and page references. A BOOK OF ODDS AND ENDS Contains a wide variety of notes, including an account of journeys from Hereford to other towns between May 1794 and February 1797. in each case giving the name of the town, miles. date and expenses. ntbl BIBLIOTHECA BOWLEANAntbl A catalogue of the library of books in various languages of the Rev John Bowle. Bound in dog-skin.

John married Anna Maria BOWLE.

J. Ferran 15/01/2021

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