Richard LAUDER Younger of that ilk
(-Bef 1565)
William LAUDER
(-Bef 1601)


Family Links

1. Agnes

William LAUDER

  • Marriage (1): Agnes
  • Died: Bef 9 Jul 1601
  • Buried: Greyfriars Church, Edinburg

  General Notes:

Lauder of Fountainhall,

William Lauder in Cauldscheills, (erroneously named Robert by Nisbet and correctly confirmed so by Burke's Peerage 1847 & James Young in 1884)) who died before July 9, 1601 and is interred with his first wife within Greyfriars Church, Edinburgh. Cauldscheills, an ancient Lauder family property, was a large farm south west of the burgh of Lauder, and is mentioned in several notices and Retours from 1585 onwards as belonging to Robert Lauder of that Ilk as the "Lord Superior". An entry in the Privy Council Registers dated 15th April 1586 records William as "brother to Robert Lauder of that Ilk". He is again mentioned in this form in the Melrose Regality Records when witnessing a Sasine on 28th July 1589. On 9th July 1597 the Privy Council Registers mention "William Lauder, brother of Robert Lauder of that Ilk" along with other members of his family in a caution concerning a feud with William Cranstoun, apparent of that Ilk, which culminated in the Tolbooth murders of 10th May, 1598. On 5th July 1598 William Lauder, burgess of Lauder and brother of Robert Lauder of that Ilk was made tutor as "propinquior agnatus' [nearest in kinship] to Robert Lauder, pupil son and heir apparent of Robert Lauder of that Ilk his father. In September that year William Lauder in Cauldscheilles launched an action in the Privy Council to take possession of the Tower of Lauder and to oust Margaret Borthwick, relict of his brother the late Robert. He was unsuccessful and died soon afterwards.

He married firstly, Elizabeth or Jean Bellenden of the Lasswade family. (A "Bernardus Bellenten de Leswad", probably a close relative, is recorded in 1600 as a Scottish Burgess at Posen in West Prussia.) Lord Fountainhall gives this lady as his grandmother, and states that she was a cadet of the family of Broughton. William Lauder married secondly a lady whose Christian name of Agnes appears to be all we know of her. She survived William and remarried George Hoppringle, of Murehouse. By his second wife William had sons

Richard (alive in 1672) and

John Lauder (alive in 1617), both 'in Pirn' parish of Stow.

By his first wife, Elizabeth Bellenden, William Lauder had issue:

William, 'of the west port' of Lauder, hereditary baillie, & burgess of Lauder, "hacked to death" on the 10th May 1598 at the Tolbooth, Lauder, in a feud with the Cranstouns and Homes. For this crime the Presbytery of Haddington excommunicated Lord Home until he repented and made reparations. He was subsequently pardoned by James VI in November 1606. Lord Fountainhall calls this William Lauder his grandfather's brother and states that he left a daughter Agnes, who married 22nd August 1618, at Lasswade, Edinburghshire, William Calderwood, with issue. William Lauder's testament was given up by his widow, Christian Borthwick, doubtless a close relation of his brother Robert's relict. In addition to Agnes, he left another daughter, Jean, who was alive in 1603.

James, (dsp 10th May 1598) also killed in the Tolbooth, Lauder, in the feud with the Cranstouns and Homes; and

Andrew Lauder in Melville Mill

William married Agnes.

J. Ferran 15/01/2021

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