Rebecca REDMAN
(Abt 1608-)
(Abt 1620-)
(Abt 1624-)
Bryan MANSERGH of Ballybur, Co Kilkenny
(Abt 1624-1688)
(Abt 1640-)
Col. Daniel MANSERGH of Macrony Castle
(Abt 1664-Bef 1725)


Family Links


Col. Daniel MANSERGH of Macrony Castle 1

  • Born: Abt 1664, Macroney, Kilworth, Cork, Ireland
  • Marriage (1): Mary SOUTHCOTE about 1699
  • Died: Bef 1 Apr 1725

  General Notes:

The Manserghs, originally from Barwicke Hall, Yorkshire, settled at Macrony Castle, near Fermoy in county Cork in the mid 17th century. Through marriage with a Southcote heiress they inherited Grenane, county Tipperary in the early 18th century. In 1795 John Southcote Mansergh of Grenane married Mary, only daughter and heiress of Richard Martin of Clifford, county Cork. Their third son, Charles Carden Mansergh of Clifford, Castletownroche, county Cork, owned over a thousand acres in county Cork in the 1870s. Their fourth son, John Craven Mansergh, built a house called Rocksavage, Bridgetown Upper, parish of Bridgetown, on former Martin property. Their fifth son, Southcote Mansergh of Grallagh Castle, owned 1,099 acres in county Tipperary in the 1870s. His estate was advertised for sale in July 1875. Their second son and heir, Richard Martin Southcote Mansergh of Grenane, owned 2,086 acres in county Tipperary at the same time. At the time of Griffith's Valuation Richard S. Mansergh held a number of townlands in the parishes of Donohill, Templenoe and Tipperary, barony of Clanwilliam. Most of the land in the parish of Templenoe was held from Lady Osborne. Other family members held land in the parishes of Templenoe and Cullen, barony of Clanwilliam, Knigh and Neanagh, barony of Lower Ormond and Gaile, barony of Middlethird. Another branch of this family were based in the Cashel area of county Tipperary. Captain D.J. Mansergh of Cappamore, Cashel, owned 606 acres in county Cork in the 1870s. Substantial amounts of the Grallagh estate were sold in the Landed Estates Court in the mid-1870s. The purchasers included Messers. Cahill, Carey and Hughes.

Daniel married Mary SOUTHCOTE, daughter of Nicholas SOUTHCOTE of Grenane and Eleanor MANSERGH, about 1699. (Mary SOUTHCOTE was born about 1686 in Grenane, Tipperary, Ireland.)


1 The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, <i>"FamilySearch," database, <i>FamilySearch</i> </i> (, .... <i>Burke's Irish Family Records </i> (N.p.: n.p., n.d.), Mansergh.

J. Ferran 15/01/2021

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